Spending Time with Student Leaders and Our Teams

Spending Time with Student Leaders and Our Teams


Since the early 1990s, our colleagues in Student Affairs have brought together a group of student leaders for a summer program called L2K. The students make connections with one another and with administrators across Grounds, and they learn a lot about how to get things done at UVA. Spending time with our amazing students is always one of my favorite things to do, and a few members of my team and I had the good fortune to get some time with this year's incredible L2K cohort earlier this week. These students are bright and accomplished, and they ask great questions. I'm excited to see how they lead their organizations and look forward to working with them over the next year.


Staff enjoying Finals Weekend Thank You Lunch at Newcomb Hall

Finals Weekend is one of the greatest traditions at UVA. It takes throusands of people to create an extraordinary experience every year for our graduates and their families, including many who work in our operations units. More than 1,200 staff and faculty members from across Grounds came together for lunch on Thursday to celebrate a succesful weekend and to thank everyone who played a part in it. Special shout out to Pam Higgins from the Office of Major Events as she led the planning for her last Finals Weekend before her retirement in a few months. Thank you all!


collage of photos from HR All Hands meeting on May 26, 2022

The entire UVA HR team came together for an off-site meeting this week to connect, create, and innovate. I was happy to join them for part of the day to hear from the UVA HR leadership team and to listen to an inspiring talk by our new football head coach, Tony Elliott. Our HR team moves mountains every day in service to our University and our workforce, and I am honored and humbled to work with them. I hope they all left the day as energized and excited about what comes next as I did. Go Hoos!