Grateful for an Outstanding Team

UVA is a 24/7 operation, 365 days a year, including holidays. I had a chance to visit with staff working during the holidays in several departments and thank them for their great work year-round. Pictured here are members of the Health System Control/ Heat Plant team who were working on Christmas Eve. Thanks for all that you do!

Just before the winter break, the University announced 11 recipients of the Leonard W. Sandridge Outstanding Contributor Awards. This is the highest honor bestowed upon staff for their dedication and service. Two members of our UVAFinance team were among this year's recipients -- Jacob Mair and Patty Marbury -- along with colleagues from the Academic Division, UVA Health, and UVA-Wise. Read more about them in UVA Today.
We are so fortunate to have outstanding employees across the University, and I want to give a special shout-out to everyone in UVA Health who continues to work 24/7 to care for our community. We see what you are doing and we are grateful for it!

The new year started off with a beautiful snow that created issues with downed trees and power lines across the region. UVA's Severe Weather Assessment Team met several times to monitor conditions and make recommendations as the storm approached, then as it dropped heavy, wet snow, and again as damage was assessed in the aftermath. This group includes nearly 50 people representing many of our operational units and colleagues from other departments.
As the snow fell, Facilities Management crews wasted no time clearing walkways, steps, and roads on Grounds and dealing with downed limbs as needed. Others kept the heat on and systems running, provided essential services, and patrolled during the snow event. And the IM-Rec team welcomed UVA employees without power and hot water at home to use showers in the North Grounds Rec Center. It takes a high level of coordination to manage the University's response to a storm like this, and the UVA team handled it exceptionally well.
Read more in UVA Today.