Committees Reporting to the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Accident Review Committee
The Accident Review Committee evaluates each crash in which an agency-owned vehicle is involved. After thoroughly reviewing all of the material concerning each crash, the Review Committee determines whether the crash was Preventable, Non-Preventable, or Incident, based upon the definitions of the criteria provided by the Department of State Police. After a crash is evaluated and classified by the committee, it is forwarded to the Assistant Vice President for Compliance and ERM for review and final disposition.
Barrier Free Access
The Committee on Barrier Free Access is charged with making recommendations for, and providing oversight to, projects designed to improve access for persons of varying abilities to University facilities and programs. It supports the interests of those indivduals within the University community as well as the work of the Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights (EOCR) Office in their mission to ensure the University's compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The committee shall work with the appropriate entities towards eliminating physical barriers on the University Grounds and cooperate with the EOCR, Student Disability Access Center, and other units un their service to all constituencies with unmet needs.
Financial Aid
The members of the Committee on Financial Aid provide the perspectives of the schools and units represented to the executive sponsor, and serve as ambassadors to key stakeholders on matters related to financial aid policy and administration, including:
- Providing guidance and feedback on policies related to financial aid.
- Providing feedback on those components of the student aid budget that are not approved by the Board of Visitors (off-Grounds room and board, books, travel, and other costs) and reviewing the components of the student aid budget approved by the Board of Visitors (tuition, fees, and on-Grounds room and board) to be charged to students to attend the various schools of the University.
- Participating, through the appointment of immediate past chair or designee, on the University’s financial aid working group in the consideration of financial aid issues.
- Periodically receiving an update and providing feedback on the packaging methodology (ratio of loan and work-study to scholarships in accordance with available funds) that will be utilized by the University.
- Informing and educating the faculties and administrations from the various schools and the student body regarding the University’s financial aid policies.
- Participating, through the appointment of at least three but not more than five (including the chair) members, in appeals from student-athletes who either have lost their grant-in-aid or who have had it reduced.
- Participating, through the appointment of at least one member, in the appeals of need-based undergraduate financial aid awards.
- Offering feedback on the deployment of any available emergency funds.
Master Planning Council
The Master Planning Council advises the Executive Vice Presidents, through the Senior Vice President for Operations, on mid-term and long-term physical planning for the University of Virginia. It reviews and comments on the Grounds Plan and overall land use planning as to the best utilization of the existing buildings, landscape, and infrastructure, as well as participates as general stakeholders in the development of precinct/area plans and general infrastructure plans, including those for circulation and parking.
Security and General Safety
The Security and General Safety Committee shall receive suggestions and recommendations and submit each recommendation, if approved by the committee, to the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for improvement of sub-standard safety conditions in the various facilities of the University. The committee shall also encourage through educational channels, safety procedures to be practiced in the several activities of the University's everyday routine and recommend training programs for individuals in the University community. The committee shall review all matters concerning security and safety of the University, with the exception of those matters coming specifically within the purview of the standing Committee on Radiation Safety. At the end of each academic year, the Chair will submit a summary report of the committee's activities to the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer.
Committee on Sustainability
The UVA Committee on Sustainability advises the Executive Vice Presidents on all matters related to the University’s commitment to sustainability and how those impact the future of the University including interrelated environmental, financial, teaching, research, and social aspects.
In carrying out this charge, the Committee shall be engaged in the following:
- Fostering the development and dissemination of sustainability knowledge through research and teaching.
- Promoting the highest standards of sustainable practices on Grounds.
- Engaging the civic and academic communities in topics associated with sustainability.
- Contributing to and reporting on progress in achieving the University’s sustainability goals.