Love is Love, Sweet Treats for UVAFinance, Dancin' James

Love is Love, Sweet Treats for UVAFinance, Dancin' James


The "Love is Love" t-shirt campaign began at UVA in 2009 as a way to visibly support LGBTQ students on Valentine's Day. The campaign has expanded to explicitly support all kinds of love. Love makes the world go round. 


UVAFinance staff with special chocolate bars for Valentine's Day

UVAFinance staff in Carruthers Hall enjoyed special hand-crafted UVAFinance chocolate bars this Valentine's Day. Sweets for the team that keeps our books balanced and our vendors and employees paid, plus much more! Thanks for everything you do year-round! 


Group photo, l to r: Naomi Ward, Miranda Bransom, and Linda Vannatta
Photo on top right: Carrie Crosby



We have an amazing and multi-talented team that fill a wide variety of roles across our operations units. Their talents are not limited to the workplace. James Zehmer is a project manager in UVA Facilities Management who specializes in historic preservation projects. In addition to knowing a thing or two about 200-year-old construction, he has great team spirit and some smooth dance moves! James recently won the Dance Cam contest at the men's basketball game vs. Miami at JPJ, earning Raising Cane's chicken fingers for his entire section. Winner, winner, chicken dinner! 

Check out the edited version of James' dance contest victory on UVA FM's Instagram or the full-length video on YouTube, where you can see who James was up against in this fierce competition.